YCN book 08/09


upop mini-interview


upop.no is a great website about arts,culture,streetstyle,and general stuff going on.They interviewed me for a case about up-and-coming, female illustrators :) check it out at www.upop.no

by:Larm, A Poor Man's Guide...


On Wednesday, by:larm released it’s new Oslo guide named “Oslo - A Poor Man’s Connoisseur Guide to Happy Living in One of the Most Expencive Cities in the World”. The release took place underground, inside the catacombs in Fredensborgveien. Such an amazing place!

The guide is designed by the talented people at Yourfriends, and my contribution was an ad made for the brilliant shop Little Miss T, run by my sweet friend Therese.

Check out more about by:larm and the guide at www.bylarm.no

idN magazine


The fab Japanese design magazine idN did a small feature about me in their current issue. So excited! It’s out now, so feel free to check it out. This issue comes with some amazing packing as a little bonus. 

check out idN mag at www.idnproshop.com/

Onion Magazine


Onion magazine interviewed me for their first issue. Whoho!

Out now!

Check out their great stuff at www.onionmag.no

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